
Goal-oriented, highly motivated team player with a passion for software development. I love to learn and to share knowledge.


Architecture: n-tier, Microservices, Event Store, Service Mesh, Circuit Breaker
Management: People Management, Mentorship, Project Management
Backend: C#, .NET Core, Python, Go, Powershell
Web: JavaScript, Node.js, Rest API
Data: T-SQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Tools: git, docker, kubernetes


Google - Mountain View, California

Software Engineering Manager | May 2021 - Present

  • Joined Google Fiber team

PickTrace - Glendale, California · 2 yrs 3 mos

Head of Engineering / Software Engineering Manager | November 2019 - May 2021 · 1 yr 7 mos

  • Fine-tuned engineering processes to ensure stable pace and delivery speeds
  • Hired 10+ developers for engineering department
  • Successfully launched new platform and secured its health
  • Created road map for infrastructure, ensuring automation, alerting and monitoring and security
  • Designed and led implementation of automation of CI/CD based on cloud functions, docker and Google Build and Delivery Manager

Team Lead | March 2019 - November 2019 · 9 mos

  • Set up SDLC (kanban + some scrum artifacts)
  • Designed and documented architecture for a new platform to scale existing app to support thousands of customers
  • Started and supported implementation of the new platform based on microservices
  • Participated heavily in designing architecture for Android app and supporting infrastructure to allow operation in low bandwidth/high latency environments
  • Used Python, Java, Go, Kotlin

iHerb - Irvine, California

Development Team Lead | September 2018 - January 2019 · 5 mos

  • Was hired to assist with migration of a monolith app to microservices architecture to allow scale for increasing demand
  • Led refactoring and migrating of checkout flow to a microservices architecture
  • Used C#, .NET Core, Rest API, xUnit

dokable - Remote, 'garage' company

Founder | September 2017 – November 2018 · 1 yr 2 mos

  • Established processes and assembled the team
  • Managed and supported clients
  • Designed and documented solution architecture based on microservices and helped team in implementing it
  • Containerized all parts of the project and implemented automated CI/CD pipeline
  • Used Node.js, MongoDB, JavaScript, C#, .NET Core, PostgreSQL, Rest API, RabbitMQ, React, docker, Linux, Powershell

Solid Commerce - Marina Del Rey, California · 4 yrs

Software Engineering Manager | October 2015 - June 2018 · 2 yrs 9 mos

  • Hired, built and managed two geo-distributed highly productive teams of 11 developers
  • Established QA department as a separate independent function, hired manager and equipped with automation engineer from my team
  • Researched, designed and oversaw platform architecture consisting of dozen projects and 100+ services
  • Led an initiative to move platform to a reasonable usage of microservices, which allowed company to win a procurement bid and deliver UPS eFulfillment project on time
  • Played a key role in productizing of APIs and launching UPS business shipping project
  • Successfully launched UPS Shipping and eFulfillment projects, as well as Order Management features for core platform

Senior Software Engineer | July 2014 – October 2015 · 1 yr 4 mos

  • Led and passed FedEx certification allowing company to be promoted as a distinguished vendor
  • Improved integrations with UPS, FedEx, Amazon Shipping, Endicia and Stamps by decreasing time spent on support and implementation of new features
  • Integrated desktop features of shipping solution into web-based Order Manager allowing customers to double productivity
  • Used C#, ASMX, WCF, WinForms, ASP.Net Forms, Rest API, Nancy, JavaScript, Angular JS

Kaspersky Lab - Moscow, Russia

Senior Software Engineer | June 2013 - June 2014 · 1 yr 1 mos

  • Implemented core UI logic for Kaspersky Antivirus, Internet Security and Safe Money products
  • Used C#, WPF, C++ CLI, Prism, MVVM

Paladyne Systems - Saint Petersburg, Russia

Senior Software Engineer | July 2008 - May 2013 · 4 yrs 11 mos

  • Worked on different parts of Paladyne Suit, including Integration components, Credit and Portfolio Masters
  • Designed and implemented key parts of the object model, such as compile-time types generation, grouping, and filtering
  • Implemented and supported internal business and CRUD logic, document management system based on MS SharePoint and integrations with data vendors and between Paladyne Suit applications
  • Used C#, WinForms, WCF, nHibernate, Spring, T-SQL, MVVM, MS Sharepoint Services

AVIcode - Saint Petersburg, Russia · 3 yrs 3 mos

Dev. Lead | July 2007 - March 2008 · 9 mos

  • Refactored and supported Seamless Linq project
  • Implemented Visual Studio extension for integration with LINQ to SQL designers
  • Worked with the community through forums, blogs etc.
  • Performed candidate test project checks, advised automation of the process
  • Used C#, ASP.Net Forms, LINQ and LINQ to SQL

Senior Software Engineer | January 2005 - July 2007 · 2 yrs 7 mos

  • Implemented and supported core features for TyMetrix 360° project starting from the database and finishing with UI
  • Used C#, ASP.Net Forms, T-SQL, JavaScript, MS SQL Reporting Services


Complex solution for cooperatives with a marketplace, transaction management, and CRM for the Russian market

  • Designed microservices architecture
  • Designed Rest API and event-based internal communication
  • Used Event Store pattern for reliability and sustainability

UPS eFulfillment

3PL warehousing subsystem integrated into Solid Commerce platform

  • Analyzed requirements and prepared interfaces and APIs for warehouse management system vendor and UPS
  • Designed and delivered several phases of the project
  • Redesigned Solid Commerce platform so that the project seamlessly works as a part of the whole system, without affecting core functionality and could be enabled on demand

Order Management Solution

A comprehensive solution to manage orders and a big part of the Solid Commerce platform

  • Designed and delivered Rest API for core and UPS platforms
  • Analyzed requirements, designed and managed implementation and delivery of following features:
    1. Infinity scrolling with massive logic related to order selection and filtering
    2. Embedding legacy ASP.Net Forms and new SPA websites to make user experience as seamless as possible
    3. Integration of a shipping solution
    4. Security and performance tweaks

Sliced Layers

An example of generic and simple layers separation

Fluent Strings

A powerful set of utilities for any kind of string transformation with a fluent interface


March 2017 | Rice University
Engineering Management Certificate, Part 1: Leadership, designed for professional engineers who are interested in advancing into leadership and management roles

October 2013 - December 2014 | Online
Computer Science Basics, dozen different courses on algorithms, data structures, math, CS etc. from Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Rice and others on Coursera and edX

September 2011 | Microsoft
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (.NET 2.0/3.5/4.0)

February 2005 | Microsoft
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer


Ufa State Aviation Technical University - Ufa, Russia

Master’s Degree | GPA: 4.52/5 | 1999 - 2004
Majors: information measurement, electrical engineering

Republic Bashkort-Turkish Lycee - Ufa, Russia

High School | GPA: 5/5 | 1992 - 1998
Majors: programming, biology, literature